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Why is Your Heat Pump Tripping Your Circuit Breaker?

Why is Your Heat Pump Tripping Your Circuit Breaker?

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Having an appliance tripping your circuit breaker is never good, but having your heat pump cause difficulties that disturb your home comfort is on Paso Robles Heating and Airโ€™s list of โ€œBad Things.โ€ If your heat pump trips your circuit breaker, it could mean you need a repair. Paso Robles Heating and Air can help you identify the exact problem, but here are some factors we commonly see: overworked heat pumps, short circuits, wiring problems, fan obstructions, and compressor malfunctions. Regardless what is going on with your heat pump, if your circuit breaker is tripping, you have to call in a qualified technician.

Overworked Heat Pump

Heat pumps become overworked for several reasons, but theyโ€™re typically preventable. Dirty air filters or outside units and blocked or closed vents are often to blameโ€”and those problems can be easily identified and fixed during a preventive maintenance visit. If those arenโ€™t the reasons for your heat pump trouble, Paso Robles Heating and Air can help you out by repairing the heat pump.

Short Circuits

If you have a short circuit in your heat pump, it will trip the breaker immediately when you turn it on. If you suspect you have a short circuit in your heat pump, reach out to Paso Robles Heating and Air immediately for a heat pump repair. Short circuits can be very hazardous, causing fires or other severe damages.

Wiring Problems

Faulty installation or loose connections can cause your heat pump to short circuit and trip your circuit breaker. No matter how they got that way, loose wires can trigger your heat pump to overheat and trip your circuit. Your Paso Robles Heating and Air technician can find and tighten any loose connections and keep your heat pump operating safely.

Fan Obstructions

If the fan motor of your outdoor unit locks up, it could trip your circuit breaker. Sometimes this fan, which circulates air over refrigerant coils, will become congested or malfunction and might cause your circuit breaker to trip.

Compressor Malfunctions

If your compressor is aging or starts to malfunction, it could trip your circuit breaker. This occurs when the compressor goes to pull in too much current to start itself up. If your circuit breaker is tripping, call Paso Robles Heating and Air at 805-465-9562 immediately. It would be best if you kept home and family safe and comfortable.

Not around here? Well, then check out the 5-star Denver boiler and heater services offered by our friends over at Brothers Plumbing Heating Electric!

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